Our partnership model
The Faculty of Education is a world leader in teaching and education. The Faculty is dedicated to collaborating with schools in our community and beyond, to stimulate learning and enrich the potential of students and future educators. The Faculty of Education partners with many schools and centres throughout Victoria and Australia as we work towards building a resilient, equitable and sustainable future in our education systems.
Master of Teaching
We prepare the teachers of the future through our unique Master of Teaching program, which uses a clinical approach connecting university theory, professional knowledge and classroom experience. This can only be achieved through a partnership between the Faculty, government, Catholic, and independent schools across the secondary and primary sectors; early learning centres in the early childhood sector; and the institutes that govern each organisation.
Master of Teaching (Sec) Internship
Interested in employing an Intern for your school? Partner with us in our Internship Masters. Available for Secondary schools across all sectors, we work with you to prepare the teachers of the future.
Government Schools contact the Department of Education at teach.today.teach.tomorrow@education.vic.gov.au.
Non-government schools can complete an expression of interest or contact our Professional Experience team at FOE-TeachingInternship@unimelb.edu.au.
Considering becoming a partnership school or centre?
Any school or centre can partner with Education and work with us towards our goals for the future of education in Australia. The key to our partnerships is the practical experience our teacher candidates experience. As graduates, our teacher candidates have already had rich life and career experiences, making them valuable additions to your team.
The Faculty's placement structure ensures all teacher candidates, mentor teachers, schools and centres are supported through our clinical staff, teaching experts and professional experience team to ensure the best experience for all. Click here to view our suite of Professional Experience subjects.
How do we work with schools and centres?
We work closely with all of our partner schools and early childhood settings to support placement opportunities, and the professional development of teachers and leadership teams in our education systems to work towards the best outcomes for students and schools. With a focus on engagement and relationships, there are many ways schools and centres can enhance connection to the University.
Our partnership model is the most supportive in Victoria for both students and mentors alike, and there can be many benefits for your school community through having a close relationship with us. Being a partnership school or centre also provides you with the opportunity to recruit high quality graduate teachers. Our monthly partnership newsletter provides the latest updates, information and advice to support your experience and our relationship.
Placement and Permission to Teach
Following the recent Department of Education Memorandum of Understanding and policy Pre-Service Teachers Working with Permission to Teach (General) the Faculty of Education is pleased to announce that it will allow MTeach (Secondary), MTeach (Primary) and MTeach (Early Childhood & Primary) Teacher Candidates with Permission to Teach ( PTT ) to undertake their school placements at their place of employment.
Our Teacher Candidates will be asked to speak with their PTT employers if they wish to undertake their placement at their place of employment. If both employer and candidate agree, candidates will be required to submit a request to undertake placement at the place of PTT employment to the Professional Experience team. Our team will then liaise with schools to confirm the placement details.
It is hoped that this change to our existing MTeach Placement Operating Guidelines will allow greater flexibility for Teacher Candidates and partner schools and is in accordance with the new policy and guidelines released by the Department of Education.
Note that this change extends only to those with PTT and has been specifically introduced to address workforce shortages within Victorian schools only and does not extend to Early Childhood Services.
For further information please refer to the DEF Roles and Responsibilities for Victorian Government Schools Pre-service Teachers Working with Permission to Teach (General): Policy | education.vic.gov.au
Regional and Remote Partnerships
The Faculty of Education supports pre-service teachers to undertake placements in remote and rural areas. We have regional placement programs in the Goulburn Valley (particularly Shepparton) and the Northern Territory.
Demand for teachers in schools continues to grow, with particular workforce challenges in remote and regional areas. As part of the Department of Education’s new Pre-service Teacher Placement Grant (PPG) program, the Faculty of Education supports our teaching candidates to undertake teaching placements in remote, regional and specialist Victorian government schools.
Please refer to the PPG program website for more information, including a map of eligible areas.
Expressions of interest
If you would like to know more about becoming a partner, please email us at foe-professionalexp@unimelb.edu.au.