Professor Wilfried Griebel

Wilfried Griebel, Dipl.-Psych. (Univ), has been working since 1982 as member of scientific staff of the State Insitute for Early Childhood Education and Research (IFP) in Munich, Bavaria. He started to work on fathers in different family structures and on families changing their structures, i.e. family transitions to post-divorce families and stepfamilies. As a psychological expert he dealt with cases of custody and access in families of divorce and foster families.Wilfried Griebel has done a lot of professional training for social workers, counsellors, judges and teachers, and has published, together with W.E.Fthenakis and other colleagues, on these topics. In the field of early childhood education, interaction between family and educational institutions especially the transition from family to Kindergarten and from Kindergarten to school have been empirically studied, together with Renate Niesel. The last study also is part of a current development of a new national curriculum that emphasizes coping with transitions of children and their families.

Research interests

  • transition from family to preschool (kindergarten)
  • transition from preschool to school

Recent publications


State Institute of Early Childhood Education and Research
