Dr Tuija Turunen

Tuija Turunen is a senior lecturer in early years education, University of Lapland. She lectures in the Master of Education degree, mostly in teacher training.

Research interests

  • development of preschool curricula for 6-year-old children in Finland
  • transition from day-care to pre-school
  • transition from pre-school to primary school

Recent publications

  • Komulainen, J., Rohiola, U. and Turunen T. Miten ohjataan? [How to guide?] In Ohjatun harjoittelun perusteita [Basics of guidance in teaching practices]. Coming in 2009.
  • T urunen, T. (2008). Mistä on esiopetussuunnitelmat tehty? Esiopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteiden 1996 ja 2000 diskurssianalyyttinen tutkimus. [What are pre-school curricula made of? A discourse analysis of Core Curricula for Pre-School Education in Finland 1996 and 2000 , Abstract in English] Acta Universitatis Lapponiensis 135. Rovaniemi: University of Lapland.


University of Lapland
Faculty of Education
PO Box 122
FI-96101 Rovaniemi

Ph: +35 816 34122425
E: tuija.turunen@ulapland.fi