Season 9
Talking Teaching is a podcast series for and about teachers.
You are invited to be a part of a lively conversation about effective classroom practice and the latest in educational thinking. Join our host, Dr Sophie Specjal, as we share interviews and stories from teachers, principals and leading thinkers across Australia and explore the most pressing topics in education.
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Episode #1 // Creative Lesson Planning—practical strategies to enhance learning and empower teachers
For the first episode of season 9, Dr Sophie Specjal explores curriculum design and unit planning with Auburn South Primary School’s Rhian ap Rees and Darien Hunte, alongside Professor John Quay from the Faculty of Education. They unpack a framework designed by Professor Quay, that blends backward design with inquiry-based learning to centre on student interests and teacher agency. Rhian and Darien share practical classroom examples, highlighting how creative, collaborative planning can boost students’ motivation and engagement.