What types of schools offer Internship teaching positions? Do I have any choice in the school?

Our Internship program partners with the Department of Education (DE) and non-government schools including those in the independent and Catholic sectors. Schools are located in metropolitan Melbourne, and regional and rural Victoria. You can provide preferences for the location of schools you are prepared to consider and whether you would prefer to be considered for schools in the government or non-government sector. Note: applicants with broader geographic preferences have greater potential for securing an Internship teaching position at a school. Expressing preference for a specific sector does not guarantee that an applicant will be offered employment related to the course in that sector.

You will have the opportunity to let the University know if you have an existing relationship with a school and would like to take your Internship there. Provided the nominated school is likewise invested and has a relevant teaching vacancy available, the University and/or Department of Education will endeavour to facilitate this.

Visit our Master of Teaching (Secondary) Internship study pages to find out more and apply.

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