Professor Joseph Lo Bianco honoured with U21 Award

Congratulations to our Professor Joseph Lo Bianco who received the Universitas 21 Award for excellence in the internationalisation of higher education.

Congratulations to our Professor Joseph Lo Bianco who received the Universitas 21 Award for excellence in the internationalisation of higher education.

Awarded by Universitas 21, Joe was recognised for his international Peacebuilding and Language project, where he has pioneered a method of conflict mitigation in three South East Asian countries, Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand, in which language issues are a source of tension.

Reacting to news of the award, Joe told Universitas 21, “This is such a surprise!  It is a wonderful honour to receive recognition from such a prestigious and important body as Universitas 21. I thank those who nominated and selected me very sincerely for this Award. Language rights and efforts at reconciliation in conflict affected zones are urgent questions and demand a greater investment in research and application, I believe this award will assist in attracting more attention to the cause”.

The U21 Awards were created in 2012 to recognise the innovative work being done at Universitas 21 member universities to the internationalisation of higher education within our members.

Well done Joe!