
Annual leave loading

Please note that Annual leave loading will be paid to eligible staff in the pay due on Friday 11 December. The maximum annual leave-loading amount is $1,537.70.

Brown bag lunch chat with Indigenous Curriculum Taskforce

Many staff were able to attend the cultural awareness training with the Koorie Heritage Trust over the last couple of months. A couple more sessions will soon be scheduled in the new year.

The Indigenous Curriculum Taskforce would like to offer an informal brown bag lunch conversation as a follow up to the training. This is an opportunity to chat with colleagues about your experiences, ask any follow up questions and chat to members of the Indigenous Curriculum Taskforce about what you found most useful and what further learning you would like to embark on.

The last session will take place next week:

DateTime Zoom link and password
Tuesday 8 December 1pm - 2pm Join via zoom
Password: 462647

Mental health training for staff

Counselling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offer a range of mental health online training for staff including, Supporting Student Mental Health, Mental Health First Aid and other tailored mental health training.

Visit the mental health training page

MyCoach: a personalised wellbeing service

For staff

Date: Thursday 3 December
Time: 11am - 11.30am


Benestar, the Univesity's EAP provider are hosting a MyCoach webinar. MyCoach for Individuals is a personalised wellbeing service. The webinar will cover:

  • What is MyCoach for Individuals?
  • How the service can support you
  • The different ways to access support

For managers

Date: Thursday 3 December
Time: 11am - 11.30am


The webinar will cover:

  • What is MyCoach for People Leaders?
  • How the service can help people leaders to support their teams during the COVID-19 outbreak
  • The different ways you can access support

Staff Development

Please note there is no cost for the following courses, all courses are offered virtually, please enrol via TrainME:

Training for  all Staff

  • Pride in Action Ally Training (pre-requisite completion of LGBTI+ Employee Awareness Briefing) the next session is on 9 December.

For any enquiries contact:

TrainMe: Working from home safely and effectively

There is a now a new module ‘Working from home safely and effectively’ available on TrainME.

This module provides a range of information and resources to assist staff in working from home, from setting up home workspaces to practices to assist with well-being, connection, establishing habits and understanding expectations.

There is also a pdf link at the end of the module to capture all the resources referenced. To access the module go into TrainME>Learning Catalogue and search ‘Working from home’

Safely working from home

Here are some resources to keep staff safe while working from home.

Request office equipment from the worksite to your home

Ergonomic equipment, such as office chairs, monitors and keyboards can still be sent to your home address. Please fill in the form on ServiceNow. You can buy ergonomic equipment and claim a tax deduction from the ATO or for high risk cases we can purchase equipment for you.

Complete an unplanned working from home self-assessment

Please complete the assessment, with photos from the side, and then email it to James Vassilopoulos, OHS Coordinator.