Staff Wellbeing

Staying active during COVID-19

MU Sport is committed to supporting staff and their families to stay active through the COVID-19 situation, and has compiled a number of different resources and fitness opportunities for the University community to stay healthy and connected in the comfort of their homes. The first of their Online Group Fitness videos are available now (stretching and yoga) and more will be uploaded regularly. Keep in touch with MU Sport through its social channels and Yammer for more news. For any enquiries contact Peter Walker.

Managing stress and anxiety

This tipsheet covers understanding common reactions in yourself and others during the COVID-19 pandemic, what you can do to look after yourself and manage feelings of stress, anxiety, or distress associated with COVID-19, and helpful resources and support.

EAP Assist tips online

The EapAssist Helpline provides employees with immediate confidential phone counselling support throughout Australia. They have released a series of helpful wellbeing tips about relationships, dealing with children's anxiety and working safely from home. Visit the EAP news page to find out more.

Family violence support

In times of social crisis, there is also increased risk of gender based violence and family violence. If you or anyone in your household feels unsafe at home the University's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) can provide counselling and support. You can also contact 1800 RESPECT (1800 737732) for confidential information, counselling and support and/or safe steps 24 hour family violence response centre (1800015188).

You may wish to consider leave arrangements available to staff through the relevant provisions in the University of Melbourne Enterprise Agreement (section 1.23). If you would like, you can talk to your supervisor or MGSE HR about these provisions.

Information concerning matters of family violence, like most personal issues, will be treated confidentially. In all cases, if safety, welfare or life are at risk, call 000.