10 Tips for working at Home

To maximise your health and safety in the event you may need to work from home, the following tips have been prepared by the health and safety team:

  1. Identify a designated work zone (desk, chair) and ensure all work is conducted exclusively within this zone
  2. Ensure the desk has enough space on top for all required items and there are no items under the desk restricting leg room
  3. Select a well-fitting comfortable chair with back support
  4. Adopt as closely as possible the following seated posture at the desk:
    • Shoulders relaxed and symmetrical
    • Elbows close to the sides of the body
    • Forearms approximately parallel to the floor
    • Thighs approximately parallel to the floor
    • Feet flat on the floor or supported on a footrest or sturdy box
    • If a standing desk is available adopt the first 3 points

  5. Position the computer monitor so the top of the screen is approximately eye height
    If using a desk top computer: the monitor should be directly in front of you, about arm’s reach away.
    If using a laptop: raise it on a laptop riser or a box/books/stand. A separate keyboard and a mouse will be required
  6. Position your keyboard on the desktop in front of you at a distance from the desk edge that feels comfortable and supportive for your arms and shoulders. Keep the mouse in close to the keyboard
  7. Use hands-free equipment (e.g. speaker or Bluetooth device, etc.) if frequent phone conversations or multi-tasking is required.
  8. Consider other physical elements of the environment that may impact on your comfort including
    • Noise levels. Noise should be conducive to concentration
    • Lighting. Lighting should be appropriate for the task, and does not cause leaning or squinting to read
    • Housekeeping. Remove any items, objects or furniture that could be tripped over
  9. Schedule time for regular breaks. Observe standard University tea and lunch breaks and in addition take a 2-minute break away from your desk every 30 minutes to stretch and move.
  10. Ensure you have access to all required systems and resources to conduct your work and make appropriate arrangements to communicate with your team, e.g. zoom/tele-conferencing/email