Working from home

Digital Taskforce Team update

The Digital Taskforce continues to support colleagues teaching in our virtual campus. Staff can access resources, guides and support via the MGSE Virtual Campus Support Community in Canvas. Any colleague who requires administrative, technical or pedagogical support can contact the Taskforce by emailing Further support and development opportunities will be communicated over the coming weeks.

The MGSE Virtual Campus Support Community page now hosts Staff Snapshots, highlighting the experiences of colleagues in teaching online and their key tips. New Snapshots will be uploaded regularly to share expertise throughout the school. Please reach out to the Taskforce or the staff member highlighted if you’d like to discuss their experience and how it might help you in your work. In our first Staff Snapshot, Dr Amy McKernan discusses her experience in maintaining student engagement through uncertainty and how she has approached communication with her students.

Multifactor Authentication

In our virtual campus, the security of the University’s systems is more important than ever. The University is implementing Multifactor Authentication (MFA) to strengthen all user accounts against cyber-attacks. This is an important step in protecting everyone’s personal details, sensitive information and our research and intellectual property. You might have noticed that the way you sign-in to the University’s VPN, Themis and ServiceNow has changed. This is part of the soft rollout of MFA, which will be fully implemented for MGSE on 28 April. Once implemented, you will not be able to access these systems without completing the two-step MFA. To prevent disruption to your work, please pre-enrol for MFA as soon as possible.

  • Pre-enrol instructions

    To pre-enrol in MFA:

    1. Go to
    2. On your smartphone, download the app ‘Okta Verify’
    3. Follow the step-by-step instructions to enroll your unimelb account for MFA

    Detailed instructions can be found here. Staff requiring further information can find FAQs here, view a range of guidance articles or contact the IT Service Centre on 03 8344 0888.

  • What is MFA?

    MFA is another level of security that is applied to University applications. Instead of logging in with only your username and password, you’ll need to authenticate your user credentials via an app. You won’t need to do both steps every time you log in from the same device and browser.

Once your account is registered for MFA, you will only need to complete the two-step verification every 90 days for Themis, ServiceNow and other applications, and every 30 days for the VPN.

Setting up your workstation at home

Resources to provide guidance on undertaking simple adjustments to maximise comfort, health and safety when working from home.

10 tips for working from home

Ergonomics: Stretching and moving

More ways to connect from home