Edward Strain | Alumni | Master of Instructional Leadership

Edward enrolled on the Master of Instructional Leadership to give him the tools to effectively lead a school with clarity and knowledge. Since completing the course, he reflects that his experiences were some of the biggest milestones in his professional career.

Q: Can you please briefly outline your life prior to studying this program?

I attended Caulfield Grammar School from year 7 – 12 before completing a Bachelor of Arts at Monash University and a Post Graduate Diploma at La Trobe University, I was employed as an Assistant Principal at the time of taking up further study at Melbourne University.

Q: Why did you choose to study at the Faculty of Education?

The University of Melbourne and the Faculty of Education both have an esteemed reputation, I wanted to return to study and provide myself with the greatest opportunity to be surrounded by knowledge and expertise in the field of education.

Q: Why did you choose to study your program?

Effective school leadership is underpinned by various factors, I chose to pursue further study in Instructional Leadership as a means of ensuring that I could lead a school with clarity and knowledge that allowed me to focus on the complex demands of educational leadership.

Q: What are you enjoying most about studying at the Faculty of Education?

The opportunity to meet fellow students and network with others that are passionate and knowledgeable was a highlight of my time at the Faculty of Education, I established relationships that have allowed me to learn from others and develop my own skillset. The opportunity to be taught and mentored by some world-renowned academics and educational leaders made my time both enjoyable and inspiring.

Q: What’s the most valuable/rewarding aspect of your program?

Having an opportunity to immerse oneself into postgraduate study was something that complimented by work and provided a balance between leading a school and learning to lead better. I valued the opportunity to share and collaborate with others and learn from fellow students.

Q: Is there anything you wish you’d known before starting the course?

My studies at the Faculty of Education provided the opportunity to learn as I went through the different subject, be open minded and vulnerable, expect to be challenged and expect to question what you do and how you do it.

Q: How do you hope your course will help your career progression?

I feel that this course equipped me with greater knowledge and experiences to support my own growth and development, to have a greater skillset to lead teaching and learning in the complex field of school leadership. Ultimately, my career progression is inherently linked to the opportunities I can provide for my students and staff at our school.

Q: What do you hope is the next step for you?

I hope I can continue to apply what I have learnt in my studies and use this as a platform to promote outstanding teaching and learning in a school environment. Regardless of where I am placed or what lies ahead, I know that my studies have provided me with a platform to lead teaching and learning outcomes with greater knowledge, rigor and fidelity.

Q: What advice would you give to someone thinking about starting your course?

My advice to anyone thinking about beginning their studies at the Faculty of Education is to take the chance/risk. I reflect on my experience now and realise that they were some of the biggest milestones in my professional career, the opportunity to be surrounded by resources, knowledge and networks is second to none. It was an exciting time in my life and one that I look back on with fond memories.

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